I had the opportunity to do another studio session with my son. This time I went in with the intention of making black & white pictures. So the clothes and prop (black hat!) were chosen with the conversion to black & white in mind. I took 117 shots, and got around 20+ good ones ... over 20%, which is good for an hour with a 2-year-old. From those, I have chosen 9 to display here on my blog. Enjoy!
Simple, clean, great!
This is my favorite! He was just playing around, and I was shooting away ... and we hit gold!
Can't see his face, but I think it's a fun shot.
Another simple, clean, good shot!
"Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese !!!"
Making faces at his mama :-)
Papa let him hold Papa's iPhone ... that was a good way to break up the session. He started getting bored in the middle.
"Where, oh where, did my little boy go??"
"There he is!!!"
(Check out the stop-action of his hair flying up as he pulls the hat off his head!!)